Will Code… For A Trip To WordCamp San Francisco

April 23, 2013

Will Code… For A Trip To WordCamp San Francisco

tl;dr summary: Looking for work to fund a first-time trip to #wcsf. Also an indirect way of advertising myself.

Organizing WordCamp Miami has amazing benefits attached to it. But it has downsides. One of those being i had to greatly limit client work for a period of time leading up to the event so I could effectively plan and focus my energies. So although work is ramping back up, my travel budget is pretty much hovering around $0.

I have attended great conferences in the past (like WordCamps in Phoenix and Orlando, Front-End Developers Conference in Tampa, and Pressnomics, etc.) but San Francisco is on my “bucket list”. I have viewed the livestream for the past few years (if you follow me on Twitter, then you’ve seen the tweets come out like a neverending tide) but always wanted to attend in person at least once.

So, here’s the deal:

  • I want to attend WordCamp San Francisco 2013. Never been to that WordCamp or even the city. I want to experience it, meet people i’ve only seen online, etc.
  • I don’t beg or accept “donations” – even if people actually wanted to do that. It’s not a pride thing, but I love to code and i’m not disabled or anything like that.
  • I would like to accept a project or projects that total $2,000 USD – which i feel is a safe amount for travel, hotel, and food. Extra funds will go in me buying beers for worthy WordPress developers (or something like that).
  • I would like to finish the project(s) BEFORE I travel to San Francisco.
  • I don’t wish to share a hotel room to cut costs. I snore like you wouldn’t believe and i’m too self-conscious. I have other reasons.

What type of work will you do?

Pretty much anything in my skill set, but WordPress (especially BuddyPress) work is what i’m after. A small WordPress / BuddyPress project would cover my expenses but i’m also willing to consider billing hourly for small projects or consulting work. Because little things do add up.

How about sponsoring?

I’m not even sure this exists anymore, but since i got asked this question my response is: I would consider it. Just don’t make me walk around naked at the event with a sign around me advertising your services.

So for those who “contribute”, what’s in it for them?

Besides my thanks? I’ll gladly thank them in public of course, maybe to the point of putting up a one-page site. Since i’m being given work and not a donation, the work hopefully will be my way of saying thanks.

How how to we contact you – either to mock you or bring something legit?

The contact form is at the bottom of my homepage or click here.

What happens if you don’t reach your total?

I’m not asking for work to feed my three children – that i have. If i simply can’t go, then i’ll sit home watching it on the livestream for the third year in a row. The world won’t end.